There are several benefits of tinted windows for cars. A quality window tint blocks UV rays, keeps glass from shattering, and enhances privacy by increasing the opaqueness of the window. You cannot just install a window tint and forget it. Like everything else, window tints require regular care and maintenance. Here are some tips to […]
Unsightly dents and dings can make your car look older. Even tiny, seemingly innocuous dents can cause the paint to chip, crack, and peel, and lead to rusting. To steer clear of these problems and extend the life of your car paint, install a paint protection film on your car. The paint protection films have […]
They say you are what you drive. Your car is more than just a vehicle. It is an extension of your personality. Caring for your car must be your top priority. Different parts of your car are exposed to the elements that can cause your prized possession to age prematurely. Additionally, when driving, gravel and […]
You take great care of your car’s engine, but have you ever shown your windows the love they deserve? Caring for your car’s windows should also be your priority, not an afterthought. A damaged car window is a recipe for disaster. If you fail to do something about the problem quickly, your car interiors may […]
A Shade Darker is a leading auto paint protection company in Santa Rosa. We offer professional window tint removal services and have developed an in-house window tint removal process designed to soften and remove window tints without damaging windows. Some states require drivers to have window tints removed and reapplied in a lighter shade. There […]
Are you worried about paint scratches on your car? You are not alone. Car scratches and blemishes give sleepless nights to drivers around the world. The truth is that no matter how careful you are, you cannot prevent tiny pebbles, chips, and flying rocks from hitting your car while driving. To help car owners protect […]
For many people, their car is more than just a vehicle. They are emotionally attached to their prized possession and cherish every memory associated with it. Scratches and dents on their car’s body are every car lover’s worst nightmare. Not only do unsightly scratches negatively impact the overall aesthetic appeal of a car, but they […]
For many people, their cars are more than just another asset they own and have immense sentimental value for them. Cars, just like other assets, are exposed to the elements. When you drive your car, tiny pebbles and dust particles hit the body causing scratches. Unsightly chips and ugly dings and scratches can damage your […]
Ugly scratches and dents on a car are every car lover’s worst nightmare. Not only are scratches unattractive, but it can also damage other parts. Scratches can ruin an otherwise beautiful finish on a car. When it comes to protecting cars from scratches, prevention is much better than cure. Instead of waiting until scratches appear […]
You are what you drive. Your car, more than just a vehicle, is an extension of your personality. Scratches, dents, and rock chips from road debris can bring down your car’s aesthetic appeal, causing it to look older than its actual age. To help address this problem, many auto paint protection companies in Santa Rosa […]